Toxin Free living

In our everyday life we are exposed to various chemicals and toxins that over time have a cumulative effect in our bodies and have a detrimental effect on our health.

No one is immune to toxins, they are present even in our households. From unborn baby where toxins have been found in the placenta, to the elderly where scientist are querying the role of toxins in many chronic and debilitating diseases. We need to be intentional in our everyday living to make choices that decrease our toxic load. 

Have you ever wondered why you need to detox every now and then? 

What about the children do they also need to detox?

Join the Toxin free living programme a comprehensive programme to help you make intentional every day choices for  a healthier you / family 

Constant screen time
Standard TV dinner-Ultra processed food
Fizzy drinks the choice form of hydration for many, including children
It is not just about the smog, the plastics and the chemical industry. There are toxins all around us . We have to be intentional to avoid our health being overwhelmed
Our standard breakfast is loaded with sugar
What chemicals are we using in our household?
Sweet treat- Ultra processed food
Toxin free fruits, vegetables and grains?

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your individual, family , workplace or organisation’s needs.